Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Library Time

This last weekend I went out to Denver to spend five days with my wonderful friend Kristen. Actually, the word friend doesn't adequately describe Kristen as she is more family than friend. In fact, the first date Pete and I ever went on was with Kristen and some guy she was dating way back then and Pete and I both love her like family. So it was wonderful to be with my dear friend and to get to spend time with her little girl who is 19 months old. While I was gone Pete and the boys enjoyed fun dad and son time which included launching... and then losing a brand new rocket.

As great as it was to see and spend time with my friend it is always great to come home. On Tuesday I was able to spend time with Nick since I was a volunteer for his class field trip to the zoo, which was a zoo in and of itself taking six kindergarten classes on three school buses! Then Nick and I picked Noah up from preschool and went to the library so that Noah could get his own library card. Nick got one once he was able to write his name so we did the same for Noah. He was very excited to have his own card and picked out a book on butterfly's as his first official book as a card carrying library member.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for a trip to the library! So nice when the kids are well taken care of when we are away...
    Glad the Denver trip was good for you and Kristen.
