Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Creative Exercise

Pete and I are trying to go as long as possible without having anyone else watch Aliyah which means no babysitters and no gym daycare. However, if I don't exercise then I just don't feel good so I've had to get a little more creative. Luckily Aliyah likes the jogging stroller so that's been a good option. I've also tried doing yoga videos at home. Of course as soon as I pulled out my mat, the boys wanted to try it too. I thought they would lose interest and start goofing around but they stuck with it the entire 40 minute video. I was especially impressed by Noah who was really concentrating and trying to follow the instructor.


  1. I am totally impressed!!! I may do the same with my tribe! Great idea!

  2. You know what they say....the family that exercises together, stays together.

    I'm completely amazed they stuck with it for 40 minutes. I haven't been getting to yoga for weeks now, maybe a video and some fellow yoginis is the solution! : )
